Tag Archives: dailyprompt

Minimalist awkwardness

….I wouldn’t notice and neither would my friends. I adopted a minimalist dress code years ago in which my t-shirts, underwear, and socks are all almost entirely black except in the case of some pre-code shirts/shorts that haven’t aged out … Continue reading

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Between stimulus and response, there is a space

Nearly twenty years ago I stumbled upon Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and the writings of the Stoics. I can’t tell you the exact story because too much time has passed: at the time I was not religious but had an inexplicable … Continue reading

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How has technology changed your job?

Oh, good lord. Where to begin? As some of you may know, I’m a librarian — not an official Librarian because I’m still working on MLS, but I’ve worked for a library for twelve years as a local historian, IT … Continue reading

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WordPress prompt just for laughs

I don’t usually respond to these prompts, but this seemed fun. First up, TV series: Star Trek Deep Space Nine. With the other Trek series, I generally pick and choose episodes. Yeah no, I’m not watching “Spock’s Brain”, “Code of … Continue reading

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