Top Ten Reasons to Destroy Mount Doom

I’m currently under a book-buying interdict until such time as the mountain of unread books in my bedroom no longer attracts selfie-taking tourists wearing North Face jackets.   As incentive to hastening my conquest of said mountain, though, I’m using today’s TT freebie to list ‘reward books’, those I’ll read once I’ve made significant progress. I’m thinking one of these books every ten TBR titles read.   These are mostly ‘fun’ books..

BUT FIRST! Teaser Tuesday, from Sean Dietrich’s The South’s Okayest Writer.

Nothing lasts. Not hateful things, not good things. Not ugliness, not beauty. Not football games, back pain, or kidney stones. Not newspaper-delivery jobs. Not life. Not death. Not childhood wheelchairs. Not the dirt beneath you. There is one thing that will outlive this cotton-picking universe. You already know what it is. So find a person who needs some. And give it away.

I don’t care what the suits on television say, kid. Don’t believe them. The sod cabins, the longleaf forests, the farmland of our granddaddies. The nurses, EMT’s, teachers, janitors. That’s us.
America doesn’t suck.
Your television does.

And now, the books!

1)  Rome’s Last Citizen: The Life and Legacy of Cato, Mortal Enemy of Caesar, Rob Goodman and Jimmy Soni

2)  Best. Movie. Year.  Ever:  How 1999 Blew Up the Big Screen, Brian Raftery

3) The Sopranos Sessions: A Conversation with David Chase, Matt Zoller Seitz

4) Scatterling of Africa: My Early Years, Johnny Clegg.  The autobiography of one of my favorite musicians, a man who broke color lines in South Africa to create several illegal mixed-race bands. Unfortunately Clegg perished in 2019. 

5) All the Wild that Remains:  Edward Abbey, Wallace Stegner, and  the American West, David Gessner 

6) The Boy Crisis, Warren Ferrell. A study on why boys and young men are declining in health,  prospects, etc. 

7) Sea Lab: America’s Forgotten  Quest to Live and Work on the Ocean Floor,  Ben Hellwarth.  One of the Mercury 7 astronauts, Scott Carpenter, was involved with this project. 

8) Roads to Nowhere: What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong about the Future of Transportation, Paris Marx

9) The Life We’re Looking For:  Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World, Andy Crouch

10) A Brief History of Motion, from the Wheel to the Car to What Comes Next, Tom Standage

About smellincoffee

Citizen, librarian, reader with a boundless wonder for the world and a curiosity about all the beings inside it.
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14 Responses to Top Ten Reasons to Destroy Mount Doom

  1. Lydiaschoch says:

    I’ve had to go on similar book diets before. It’s so easy for a TBR to grow out of control.

    Good luck on paring yours down, and thanks for stopping by earlier.

  2. #2 would really interest me because I was watching a lot of movies around that time.

  3. I hope you are successfully in defeating mount doom and are able to acquire these books!
    My TTT:

  4. stargazer says:

    Good luck with your project! I used to have a Mount Doom at home, but these days I only read eBooks and audiobooks, so that particular problem doesn’t exist anymore.

  5. Susan says:

    I admire your self-restraint! I always tell myself not to buy more books and then…I ignore myself. LOL. Good luck getting these read.

    Happy TTT!


  6. Good luck with your TBR mountain! I’m also on a book buying ban because I ran out of space for books in my house. I need to read and donate a bunch of them.

  7. Max Ethan says:

    I hope you are successfully in defeating mount doom and are able to acquire these books!

  8. Afaq Ishtiaq says:

    Good luck with your TBR mountain! I admire your self-restraint! I always tell myself not to buy more books

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