Top Ten Screenshots that Leave Ya Wonderin’

Today’s TTT is a freebie, so I’m going to go completely off topic with game screenshots that….well, leave a player asking questions. These are all my personal screenshots, from 2004 to now. (…I’m a data hoarder…) But first, a tease!

My problem with the disregard of the past that we typically manifest today is that we are highly selective in what elements of a historical person’s character we are willing to take seriously. We tend to consider only those elements that reflect the dominant concerns of our moment, which are not the only concerns that are relevant to human judgment. In looking at figures from the past, we behave, as Vance and Alexander suggest, rather like admissions officers at elite colleges and universities: We look for ways to send them to the reject pile. [….] But if Moby-Dick simply reaffirms our current state of opinion, why bother to read it at all?

Breaking Bread with the Dead, Alan Jacobs

GTA Vice City.
…..I don’t think helicopters work like that…..
(GTA San Andreas)
We have a werewolf, a floating robot drone, and a portal into the supernatural realm. Perfectly normal. (The Sims 4)
“Drunk? DRUNK? No, officer, I was not drunk, your road has POT HOLES. And INFERIOR GUARD RAILS. I’m the VICTIM here!” (GTA V)
(Red Dead Redemption II)
This is obviously in an alternate universe (Game Dev Tycoon)
Tech Support: Player Unknown. I was operating multiple tickets at the same time.
I was just fishing. Then there were bounty hunters.

(Dutch ran into a wagon while pontificating.I got the aftermath.)
Strangeville’s “possessed” behavior meets a mod’s “zombie” behavior. Hilarity and death ensue.

About smellincoffee

Citizen, librarian, reader with a boundless wonder for the world and a curiosity about all the beings inside it.
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8 Responses to Top Ten Screenshots that Leave Ya Wonderin’

  1. Anonymous says:

    These are all great.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier.


  2. I think I might be kind of scared to find out what all of these screenshots mean! I’m not much of a video game player.

    • Some of them were slightly staged (I deliberately wore the cop uniform into that biker bar to get a funny screenshot) but running into that man with the…body issue was a genuinely startling accident.

  3. These are a ton of fun! I especially love the horse’s expression in the third from the bottom. Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Now I miss The Sims.

    Thank you for visiting Long and Short Reviews’ post this week.


  5. Anonymous says:

    This is hilarious though! Thanks for dropping by my post!

  6. Susan says:

    Very interesting! I’m not a gamer, so I have absolutely NO idea what is going on in any of these. LOL

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  7. As a fellow data hoarder, I love this so much.

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