Fall TBR

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday is books on our autumn to-be-read lists. I’m going to mix mine up between challenge reads & just for run reads. But first, the Tuesday Tease!

One way to steal from people is to distract them from what you’re doing. A safer way is to bore them. Then they’ll distract themselves. Leave financial stuff to the experts. Leave it to your financial advisor, your asset manager. Leave it to BlackRock, Davos, the credentialed DEI and ESG experts; they’ve given one another certificates that they’re experts. But the acronyms you ignore eventually find their way into your life. You wake up one day and find yourself at the beck and call of strange ideas, and you don’t know where they came from or what they mean, only that you’re required to pretend you believe them with all your heart.

Capitalist Punishment: How Wall Street is Using Your Money to Create a Country You Didn’t Vote For. Vivek Ramaswamy

And now, books I intend to read this fall!

(1) Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction. One of my Mount Doom reward books. Hoping October will see some SF.

(2) Will Storr vs. The Supernatural: One Man’s Search for the Truth About Ghosts, Will Storr. It’s somewhere within Mount Doom at this point.

(3) The Outlaw Ocean: Journeys Across the Last Untamed Frontier, Ian Urbina.

(4) The Shahnameh. Starting it, anyway.

(5) Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language, Robin Dunbar. If I don’t save it for next year’s science survey, anyway. Oh, and speaking of —

(6) and (7) The Moral Animal and The Sun in the Church, two science reads on Mount Doom. I’ve started reading The Moral Animal.

(8) and (9) Neuromancer, William Gibson and The Shockwave Rider, John Brunner. Two SF titles in my CC-II list.

(10) Live, From New York! An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live, Tom Shales and John Andrew Miller.

About smellincoffee

Citizen, librarian, reader with a boundless wonder for the world and a curiosity about all the beings inside it.
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15 Responses to Fall TBR

  1. Cyberkitten says:

    I have ‘The Outlaw Ocean’, but probably won’t be reading it this year. I *am* planning on re-reading ‘Neuromancer’ soon though… Maybe we can coordinate? [grin] I think you’ll enjoy ‘The Shockwave Rider’.

  2. Lydiaschoch says:

    I hope you like all of them. Thanks for stopping by earlier.

  3. Cyberkitten says:

    The third week in October is good for me. Is this your first Gibson, or your first time with ‘Neuromancer’? Either way I’d say you’re in for a treat. It’s a notable SF classic in many ways.

  4. The Saturday Night Live one sounds like a lot of fun.

    • I’m looking forward to it — really only a fan of the original first five seasons, but that’s what got me to try this to begin with. An older friend of mine has been introducing me to the seasons this year. He was a teenager when the show started, so he’s able to point out and explain a lot of the cultural references, injokes, etc that I would be oblivious to.

  5. Wow! Some really different stuff here!! #5 sounds interesting. Enjoy them all.

  6. Astilbe says:

    It sounds like you have a full autumn of reading ahead of you. Enjoy, and thanks for stopping by Long and Short Reviews earlier.

  7. Susan says:

    The SNL book sounds interesting. I used to watch it all the time back in the day. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Happy TTT!


  8. You got my attention with Astounding, a book that is in my immense tbr pile. I may finally try to squeeze it into my current reading this fall. The other items that I have read (long ago) are Neuromancer and The Shockwave Rider. I have fond memories of Brunner and Gibson.

  9. Kel says:

    Will Storr vs The Supernatural seems like a good read. I read the preview pieces of it and I believe it needs to be added to the ever growing list of my TBR.

  10. You are right…fall is the perfect time to read some science fiction. I need to add some to my fall list.

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