Top Ten Favorite Character Relationships

Today’s TTT is “Top Ten Favorite Character Relationships”. Similar ground to 2011’s “Best Duos”. First up, though, a tease:

“Hemmer, we’re in a place where basic physical laws can’t be trusted, and random things are failing on Enterprise. You’re sure the transporter is the right choice?”

Star Trek Strange New Worlds: The High Country

(1) Sharpe and Harper, from the Sharpe books by Bernard Cornwell. Great dialogue is one of Cornwell’s strengths, and invariably Sharpe and Harper’s exchanges are part of the laughs. These two began as belligerents and then became fast friends, near brothers.

(2) Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I came to the HP books late, beginning in 2007, but was won over completely by The Philosopher’s Stone, especially when Rowling informs us:

Because there are somethings you can’t go through in life and not become friends, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them

(3) Captain Picard and T’Ressa Chen, Star Trek relaunch books. Introduced in Greater than the Sum by Christopher L. Bennett. Chen is a half-Vulcan officer who rejects that heritage completely, preferring to identity as a professional smartass: despite her frequent sass, Picard immediately spots her potential and becomes something of a longsuffering father figure/mentor to her. It’s a bit like the Picard/Ro Laren dynamic, but without Ro’s chip on the shoulder. Chen is a ball to read.

(4) Macro and Cato, Simon Scarrow’s Eagle series. They’re something of a trope, the grizzled old enlisted man and his trainee-turned-superior, a fresh-faced youth who matures in both age and command in the early Empire.

(5) Jeeves and Wooster, of course!

It seems to me, Jeeves, that the ceremony may be one fraught with considerable interest.”
“Yes, sir.”
“What, in your opinion, will the harvest be?”
“One finds it difficult to hazard a conjecture, sir.”
“You mean imagination boggles?”
“Yes, sir.”
I inspected my imagination. He was right. It boggled.

(6) Aslan and…well, anybody — but especially Lucy and Edmund.

(7) Dagny Taggert and Hank Rearden. These two were an interesting pair — united in their outrage that the businesses they’d built were being compromised and taken over by parasites in the government, but divided in how to respond to that.

(8) Elsa and Loreda. This mother/daughter dynamic is key to The Four Winds, and is the base of much of its drama. It’s agonizing at times: I despised Loreda for much of the book.

(9) The Old Man and the Boy, Robert Ruark. I’m not sure how much of Ruark’s Old Man & Boy stories are factual and fiction, but I love reading them. The Old Man is a fount of wisdom and laughs, intentional or otherwise. (“Set yourself down. I aim to declaim.”)

(10) Jack and Tollers. Okay, neither of them are fictional characters, but their friendship is one of my favorite things to read about.

About smellincoffee

Citizen, librarian, reader with a boundless wonder for the world and a curiosity about all the beings inside it.
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12 Responses to Top Ten Favorite Character Relationships

  1. Lydiaschoch says:

    Aslan is a great pick.

  2. Kristi says:

    Ahh, Jeeves and Wooster. I’ve just been reading through those books recently (well, listening to them, actually), and they certainly do have an interesting dynamic.

    My TTT

    • Who is the narrator? I hope they do justice to the books. I’ve tried a couple of times to post at your place but am seeing nothing on my end. Not sure if it’s being flagged as spam or something. My comment was that I was impressed by the way Weir developed the Rocky character. 🙂

      • Kristi says:

        I started out listening to Kevin Theis, who grew on me so much that when I ran into books that he hadn’t narrated, I was really sad. I’ve liked Jonathan Cecil as well. Both have done a great job with it, in my opinion.

        Your comment on my post did come through; I just have my account set up to require approval for first-time commenters. It’s visible now.

  3. Jeeves and Wooster would be my top pick too!
    Then Harry, Ron, Hermione follow closely behind. 😉

  4. Marian says:

    I love your inclusion of Aslan 🙂 I don’t think I can read the ending scene between him and young Digory without getting weepy.

  5. Some interesting relationships there, Stephen. They are all worth mentioning, I’m sure. I would have never thought of Jeeves and Wooster thought it is quite obvious.

  6. Great choices with Jeeves and Wooster the tops!

  7. Susan says:

    The HP crew is one of my favorite friend groups in fiction. Great pick (and quote)!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


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