Wednesday blogging prompt: a job I’d be bad at

Today’s prompt from Long and Short Reviews is “A Job You’d Be Bad At“.

I hate when my attention is demanded, especially by some electronic doo-dad.  Call it mindfulness for fixation, but I prefer doing one thing at a time: working on something intently, or reading something intently. I want to be focused, not made to bounce from thing to thing. My phone lives on silent mode,    notifications are disabled for nearly every app on it, and notifications are disabled for everything on Windows that I can find.  I truly,  madly, deeply hate dings and buzzes and the rest of the inescapable cacophony of modernity. I would make, therefore, a very unhappy president of the United States. (That’s assuming I got past the smiling glad-handing stage, which is unlikely. Making polite and meaningless smalltalk in uncomfortable clothes under fluorescent lights for decades? It’s a vision of hell!)

About smellincoffee

Citizen, librarian, reader with a boundless wonder for the world and a curiosity about all the beings inside it.
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7 Responses to Wednesday blogging prompt: a job I’d be bad at

  1. Lydiaschoch says:

    Being the President would be so stressful! I wouldn’t want that job either.

  2. Patrick Prescott says:

    That’s why nobody in the right mind would want the job.

  3. Stephen, I completely get the thing with notifications. I like to be fully focussed, but one notification and I’m off down a rabit hole of procrastination. Turning them off is such a great idea.

  4. Michael Mock says:

    I’m with you: windows on silent mode, notifications only on calendar items that I specifically set for myself… And I’d also have to agree that being president sounds like a horrible job as well.

  5. blaise says:

    I’m so tempted to say something glib like ‘it can’t be that hard a job if Trump could do it’ but i also try not to discuss politics 😉

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