Tuesday teases and lists

Today’s Tuesday Tease comes from Falling into Battle, a novel following four young men (three midshipmen and one ex-midshipman-turned-Territorial) in the first year of the war.

“It is, and here I quote, ‘a known fact’ that there are German spies along the coast. I am informed that many of the members of the German brass bands, so popular in the coastal resorts, are in fact military men, young officers of both services, sent to spy upon Britain.” Dacres said it was highly likely.
“Tubas, no doubt, sir. They have to display little musical talent other than the ability to play ‘oompah, oompah’ – ideal for a stiff-necked Prussian. No doubt while the trombones show off they are taking mental notes of the coastal defences of Cromer and Skegness – and Blackpool as well!” The holiday resorts were very popular and far distant from any naval port.
Shut up, Mr Dacres!”
“I was merely applauding the wisdom of our betters in the Admiralty, sir.”

Today’s top Ten Tuesday is about books with animals on the cover or in the title, so I went through all fifteen of my existing “What I Read in ______” lists looking for critters. It proved to be quite the menagerie, with tigers and dragons predominating. (Most unexpected entries: one owl and one rooster.) Here are just a few…

(1) In the Forests of the Night. The title is drawn from Blake’s “The Tyger”, and Risika (the young vampire whose story is told in this book) incorporates tiger stripes into her appearance, as I recall. This is one I want to re-read!

(2) The Horse and his Boy, C.S. Lewis. A Narnian adventure about a horse, his boy, and a princess.

(3) The Leopard, Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa. A novel about Sicilian rural aristocracy and modernity.

(4) Lamb, Christopher Moore. A comedic novel about Jesus’ missing years.

(5) Travels with Charley, John Steinbeck. Steinbeck and his dog road-trip across America in the 1960s and discovers that plastic and mass media are creating a dreary homogeneity.

(6) Sharpe’s Tiger, Bernard Cornwell. 18th century adventures in India.

(7) They Eat Puppies, Don’t They?, Christopher F. Buckley. A satirical novel about the military-industrial complex.

(8) The Maltese Falcon, Dashell Hammett. Classic noir starring Sam Spade.

(9) Here be Dragons, Sharon Key Penman. A medieval novel about Wales and King John.

(10) Tyrannosaur Canyon, Douglas Preston. A dead fossil hunter, a missing lunar sample, and deadly secrets.

About smellincoffee

Citizen, librarian, reader with a boundless wonder for the world and a curiosity about all the beings inside it.
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5 Responses to Tuesday teases and lists

  1. lydiaschoch says:

    Lamb was such a funny book! I haven’t thought about it in years.

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-titles-with-aquatic-animals-in-them/

  2. Astilbe says:

    Here Be Dragons sounds good.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. I’ve read several of these including Here Be Dragons and Lamb and Horse and His Boy, and I liked all of them.

  4. Tammy says:

    I think I need to look up Travels with Charlie, it sounds really good:-)

  5. Dragons do seem to be very popular on book covers. 🙂

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