Minimalist awkwardness

Daily writing prompt
If you were forced to wear one outfit over and over again, what would it be?

….I wouldn’t notice and neither would my friends. I adopted a minimalist dress code years ago in which my t-shirts, underwear, and socks are all almost entirely black except in the case of some pre-code shirts/shorts that haven’t aged out yet; my pants are either jeans or khakis in one of two colors (black or tan); I have six shirts in the same style: three different colors in short sleeves, three different colors in long sleeve. When they age out I replace them, so on facebook there’s like a decade in which I appear to be wearing the same red shirt. Formal wear isn’t much different: a very tight but versatile collection inspired by articles like this. Things have changed a bit in the last two years — I’ve relented on my decades-old hatred of printed t-shirts to sport Strange New Worlds and Boston Red Sox t-shirts. I figure I’m hitting middle age, I might as well lighten up a bit. No one is going to print “When he perished, he had an impressively small and versatile wardrobe” in my obituary, after all.. :-p

My wardrobe is this shirt but in six different combinations of longsleeve/short sleeve, plus red/blue/green color options. I was doing a Walter Sobchak costume in that left one.

About smellincoffee

Citizen, librarian, reader with a boundless wonder for the world and a curiosity about all the beings inside it.
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7 Responses to Minimalist awkwardness

  1. Cyberkitten says:

    LOL – I’m not quite *that* severe but I totally understand you! Like I have 3 pairs of shoes: comfortable, formal (bought for a wedding), and hiking boots. That’s it. Find a style you like & that’s it. Why change? More than once I found a pair of shoes (shoes again!) I liked and bought 3 pairs. Friends thought I was mad…. [grin]

    I’m a BIG T-shirt fan & have a few hundred so people @ work were always seeing new ones (or so they thought) especially SF related ones which I’ve been collected for YEARS. Its amazing how long they last when you only wear them once every two years… [lol]

    • My intent is for my entire wardrobe to fit into one of those stand-alone armoires. With the exception of winter stuff (thermals and pajama pants) I can juuuust about do it.

      • Cyberkitten says:

        Apart from T-shirts my weakness is jackets. I think I have about 15-20 in total, from leather ‘biker’ jacket to various camo-types (I LOVE digital camo), to more formal (wedding again) to light/casual… I do my very best to avoid the jacket section of any store just in case I see one I MUST have… [lol] I’m still resisting the black military type worn by the good-guys in the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Far too tempting…

        I do still manage to fit *most* of my clothes into a single wardrobe though…

  2. Marian says:

    I hate clothes shopping because, as a woman, it’s hard to find anything practical in a good color, and then I have to find my size which is annoyingly difficult. So I also get multiple colors of one item, and that makes life just a little easier.

  3. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders says:

    That comment about the obituary complimenting your minimalist wardrobe gave me a good chuckle! My wardrobe is all over the place, I love either all black or really bright colours, no middle ground 😂My husband is similar to you in that he wears mostly black and any time he adds a bit of colour I feel so proud lol. Love that you made an exception for Strange New Worlds shirt! Good news, we started watching it yesterday, we’re currently on episode 3. I really love Rebecca Rominj and we just finished watching the Librarians which she’s in too only to find she’s in this show too! 😮

    • Ooh, I’ll have to check that out. Is it a new thing or was it that series of movies from a few years ago? She’s so good in Subspace Rhapsody. Honestly, there’s not a weak point in the SNW cast. Ortegas’ character is FUN.

      • Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders says:

        Well there were the movies but there was also the TV show from the 2010’s which I re-watched because there’s going to be a reboot later this year which I’m really excited for 🙂 I really love her. & I’ll have to keep an eye out for when I get to that episode! Ah okay so far I don’t have an opinion on Ortegas but I’m looking forward to learning more!

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